Sometimes it may be necessary to create a credit note as a correction to a sent invoice.

You can create a credit note from an existing invoice or without having created an existing invoice via our platform. (This can be done, for example, if the invoice you are crediting has not yet been created through us). Both full and partial crediting of an invoice can be carried out in the same way.

From an existing invoice

To create a credit note from an existing invoice, go to the relevant invoice and click on "Create Document" > "Credit Note".

By clicking on this, you will be taken to the "New Credit Note" screen, which contains a copy of the details from the original invoice. As you will notice, all amounts have been made negative.

If you wish to fully credit the invoice, you can immediately click on "Create Credit Note." For a partial credit, adjust the credit note as needed.

In the invoice's note field, the mention "VAT to be refunded to the State to the extent that ..." is added, including the original invoice reference, so the credit note is legally compliant.

Once the credit note is created, you can send it to your customer just like a regular invoice.

Printing and sending a credit note with a negative amount

When printing a credit note, amounts are typically printed as positive. This is the most commonly used method in Belgium.

However, printing credit notes with negative amounts is also frequently used.

If you prefer to have the amounts appear as negative on the credit note, you can adjust this by going to "Settings" > "Advanced" and then unchecking "Print credit note with positive amounts."

Without an existing invoice

To create a credit note without an existing invoice in EenvoudigFactureren, click on the plus sign at the top and then select Credit Note.

Select a customer or create a new one, and then go to the "New Credit Note" screen. Here, you can prepare the credit note just like you would create an invoice.

The amounts you enter must always be negative. For example, if you are creating a credit note for a refund of €100, the total amount of the credit note should be "-€100." A credit note with a positive amount will automatically be converted into an invoice.

Don’t forget to add a correct legal note in the notes field. For example:

- "VAT to be refunded to the State to the extent it was originally deducted."

- "Credit note issued for the full credit of invoice 'invoice number.'"

Numbering Credit Notes

Just like with an invoice, each credit note automatically receives a sequential unique number. The numbering of your credit notes follows the same sequence as your invoices. There is no separate numbering system for credit notes. Consequently, the credit note can also be reviewed in the invoice overview.

Writing Off Credit Notes

Automatic Write-Off

After creating a credit note, the system will automatically attempt to apply the credit note to an outstanding invoice. If this is possible, you will receive a notification asking you to confirm the write-off.

After confirmation, both the credit note and the original invoice will be written off by recording a payment for both with the payment method “Internal Write-Off.”

Manual Write-Off

If it is not possible to automatically write off a credit note, you will see that it remains open and is thus listed in the list of Outstanding Invoices. If the original invoice has not yet been paid, it will also appear in the list of Outstanding Invoices.

A credit note can be marked as paid just like an invoice once the credit note amount has been refunded to the customer. During the payment, enter a negative amount.

If no payment needs to be made because the original invoice is wholly or partially unpaid, you can make a payment for the total amount of the credit note for both the credit note and the original invoice. Use “Internal Write-Off” as the payment method and, for the payment note on the original invoice, you might include something like “Credit note issued.”

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