Manually or automatically add

In case of non-payment, reminder fees can be charged. These fees are added to the reminder, so the customer will need to pay them in addition. Reminder fees can either be added manually when sending a reminder or automatically via “Automatic Reminders” (see further).

To add a reminder fee, click the “Add Reminder Fee” button (red button) during the reminder's dispatch. You can specify the amount and optionally provide a custom description when adding the reminder fee.

After the reminder fee has been added, you can find the new total at the bottom of the invoice.

A reminder fee can also be found in the timeline. You can remove the reminder fee through the timeline as well.

A standard calculation for the reminder fee can be specified via “Settings” > “Reminders.” The reminder fee can either be calculated as a percentage of the total invoice amount (with optional minimum and/or maximum limits) or a fixed amount can be added by setting only the minimum amount.

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