Automatic reminders can be sent via email at pre-set intervals. To send automatic reminders, you can activate the "Automatic Reminders" module through the "Modules" page. Set the frequency of the automatic reminders via "Settings" > "Reminders".

Up to 5 different reminders can be set. For each reminder, you can specify the number of days relative to the previous reminder, send an email, add a reminder fee, and/or create a new notification.

When automatically adding reminder fees, the reminder fee is automatically calculated based on the set reminder fee calculation.

Note: The number of days relative to the payment term can also be negative. For example, you can send a reminder 5 days before the end of the payment term.

Once the desired reminders are set, you can activate automatic reminders for each invoice. By default, automatic reminders are not sent for new invoices. To activate automatic reminders, you can enable the "Send automatic reminders" option while creating or updating an invoice. To enable this option automatically for new invoices, you can set this via "Settings" > "Reminders".

Whether a new invoice sends automatic reminders by default can also be overridden per customer. To do this, activate the "Customer Specific Settings" module via the "Modules" page. After activating the module, you can set this option via the "Settings" block while updating a customer.

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