Through our platform, you can easily register, reconcile, and import all your payments/bank transactions in various ways.


If you or your accountant do not have suitable accounting software that can be integrated with our software, you can manually register your payments.

Go to the invoice overview and select the invoice for which you want to register the payment.

Then click on "Actions" > "Payment." Finally, enter the amount, payment note, and payment method, and click on "Register Payment."

Tip: For credit notes, use "Internal Offset" as the payment method.


By a CODA-file

The CODA of YODA :

A CODA, or coded account statement, is an electronic file with very detailed information about transactions on your Belgian accounts.

A CODA identifies actions on your account in a structured way. Thanks to a generated code, your organization's IT system can recognize the movement on your account and immediately incorporate it into the accounting. This allows you, as a professional, to easily review expenses and income.

To import bank transactions via CODA:

Go to **Invoices** > **More Actions** > **Import Bank Transactions** and select the CODA file.



Through the integration with CodaBox

With CodaBox, you can automatically import bank payments and send invoices directly to your accountant. If you don’t have a CodaBox account yet, request one from your accountant or directly through the CodaBox website.

CodaBox is an external service through which sales invoices can be sent directly to your accountant and bank transactions can be imported so that invoices are automatically marked as paid.

To connect with CodaBox, you first need to request an account from your accountant, who will ensure that a connection is established with your bank.

Want to know how to set up a connection with CodaBox? How to automatically import bank transactions or send invoices automatically? Read more in this help article: CodaBox.

By Ponto

With Ponto, bank transactions are retrieved from your bank to automatically update the payment status of your invoices.

Ponto acts as a bridge between your business accounts and our software to automatically reconcile your invoices. We compare your transactions with your sent invoices, so you no longer need to check each bank account to see if an invoice has been paid.

Ponto can connect to bank accounts from many Belgian banks: ING, KBC, KBC Brussels, CBC, BNP Paribas Fortis, Fintro, Hello Bank!, Axa, Belfius, Crelan, and more.

Want to know how to set up a connection with Ponto? How to import or automatically retrieve bank transactions with Ponto? Read more in this help article: Ponto.

By Clearfacts

ClearFacts is an online platform for collecting all your sales and purchase invoices so they can be sent digitally to and processed by your accountant. Additionally, ClearFacts offers a digital archive for all your accounting documents and functionality for near real-time collaboration with your accountant. By setting up an integration with ClearFacts from our platform, you can send your sales invoices directly to your accountant. To use ClearFacts, your accountant must be registered on this platform.

If you do not yet have a ClearFacts account, first request one from your accountant.

Want to know how to set up a connection with ClearFacts? How to automatically import or send bank transactions? Read more in this help article: ClearFacts.

By Yuki

Yuki is an online accounting package through which your accountant can manage your bookkeeping. By setting up an integration with Yuki, you can send your invoices directly to your accountant’s Yuki accounting package.

Want to know how to set up a connection with Yuki? How to send your invoices directly to your accountant’s Yuki accounting package? Read more in this help article: Yuki.

**Note:** For entrepreneurs who have an integration with Octopus & Exact Online, while you can automatically send invoices to the accountant, these platforms do not offer feedback. It is best to use one of the integrations mentioned above.


By Exact Online

Exact Online is an online accounting package for managing your bookkeeping. By setting up an integration with Exact Online, you can directly record invoices in your Exact Online accounting.

Setting up an integration is only possible with a Professional package or higher.

Want to know how to set up a connection with Exact? Read more in this help article: Exact Online.

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