Do you have a webshop and are looking for an online invoicing tool that allows you to easily link all your orders, create purchase orders, or send invoices? Or are you a dropshipper already working with Amazon or

Yes? Great! We’re here to help boost your sales!

Easily connect with platforms like Lightspeed,, Shopify, Magento, Amazon, and many more online stores, and transform all your orders into invoices.

To set up a connection, create an account with New accounts at are free for the first 30 days, so you can try out the connection with no obligation.

Below is an overview of the supported webshop systems:

The connection is directly available via the integrations page.

connect to

1. First, activate the '' integration by clicking the blue 'Set up integration' button.2. Don't have an account with yet? Create one first by clicking the red 'Create new account' button.

3. Finally, select your type of webshop (Shopify, OpenCart, PrestaShop, Lightspeed, Magento, CCV Shop, Amazon,, Ecwid, JouwWeb, KMO Shops, Mijnwebwinkel, or WooCommerce) and go to ''.

You will now be redirected to the website. Enter your details and log in.


The management of your webshop is billed separately by your webshop provider. The integration with Webwinkelfacturen will also be billed to you monthly. For pricing details, please consult this page. (The first 30 days are free for trial.)

4. Within 24 hours, you should receive the activation email from Webwinkelfacturen.

You can now set up the integration between Webwinkelfacturen and your webshop. Instructions on how to create this integration can be found on the Webwinkelfacturen website.

All orders from your webshop will now be imported into our software, and no further steps are required from you. There may be a delay of up to one day before the order is imported as an invoice.