With the connection to Make.com, you can integrate more than 1,400 applications with our software.

With Make, you can visually create, build, and automate workflows. Using the intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can connect all your apps in just a few clicks. Design workflows with as many steps as you need and integrate an unlimited number of apps into a single workflow.

This way, you can connect your CRM system, ERP package, webshop, a form, and automatically integrate all necessary data into our tool.

Got a complex workflow? No worries! Use Make's powerful no-code toolkit and bring your ideas to life!

In the example below, we show you how to set up the connection with Google Sheets and how your data is captured and transferred to our software.

All you need is an account on Make.com. You can start with the free version. More information about pricing and subscription packages can be found here: Pricing & Subscription Packages | Make

Integrate Make with EenvoudigFactureren via this link: EenvoudigFactureren Integration | Workflow Automation | Make

Create a New Scenario

Go to 'Scenarios' and click on the + button, then select the app you want to connect. (In our example, this is Google Sheets.) 

Next, select the 'trigger' and connect to the spreadsheet you want to work with.

We choose 'watch rows' because we want to show you that when you add a new row in Google Sheets, a new customer will automatically be created in our software.

Once the connection with Google Sheets is set up correctly, you can make the connection with our software.

Using the + button, add a new module and select 'EenvoudigFactureren'.

Connect with our software

Our goal is to create a new customer in our software for each new row added in Google Sheets, so we select 'create a customer.'



To establish the connection, an API key from our software needs to be added to Make.com


To create an API key, go to your account > Access Management > Add API Key and enter a description.

The API key is now being created.

Kopieer de sleutel in Make.comen wijzig indien nodig de 'connection name'.

Mix & Match

Finally, you will need to specify how the fields from Google Sheets correspond to the fields in our tool. The columns can then be matched to each other, and the scenario will be created. 

Check up

  1. Add a new customer in Google Sheets

2. Go to Make.com and click on 'Run once'. 

3. Go to your account on our platform and check if the customer has been successfully added. 

Automate a Scenario

You can run the triggers automatically using the button below.

Turn it off when needed.