With subscriptions, you can create periodic invoices, automating the generation of recurring invoices. After generating the invoice, you can optionally send it automatically to the customer.

Create a subscription

Subscriptions are available only with a Professional package or higher. To add a subscription, first activate the “Subscriptions” module via the Modules page. After activation, you will find the new “Subscriptions” section.


Creating a subscription is similar to creating an invoice. Additionally, options are provided to set the frequency and optional end date of the subscription.

A subscription has a "Next Execution Date." On this date, the next invoice for the subscription is created, and this date also serves as the invoice date. After generating the invoice, the "Next Execution Date" is updated to the following date based on the set frequency.

You can only set the execution date; it's not possible to specify the exact time of invoice generation. Invoices are automatically generated daily between 9 AM and 12 PM. The execution date can also be set (with some limitations) in the past. In this case, the first invoice will be created the following day. The date of the first invoice will then match the invoice creation date and will not align with the execution date.

The frequency can be set in terms of days, weeks, months, or years. Based on this frequency, the next execution date is determined.

The execution date can also be set to the end of the month. If the frequency is set on a monthly or yearly basis, the execution date will always fall at the end of the month, regardless of the number of days in the month. The execution date effectively sticks to the end of the month.

The end of the subscription can be optionally set by specifying either the number of times an invoice should be generated or the last date on which an invoice may be created. At the end of the subscription, the status is automatically updated to "Completed."

A subscription can be temporarily paused, which means no invoices will be generated for a paused subscription.

Creating Subscriptions in Bulk

To create multiple subscriptions at once, you can export data from Excel.

Ensure the following columns are included:

  • Customer Name
  • Date
  • Description
  • Amount

Import the Excel file into our software.

To do this, go to 'Subscriptions' > 'More Actions' > 'Import from Excel', select the file, and finalize by clicking 'Read File'.

All rows from the Excel file are recognized by the software, and all data is automatically added.

Under 'General,' you can also select the frequency of the executions. Then, click 'Create Subscription.'

In the overview, you will now see all the created subscriptions listed.