Better tracking of your invoices? Add a structured communication and save time.

How do I add a structured communication?

Go to Modules > Options > Structured Communication and activate the module via the blue button.

Once the module is activated, you can enable additional options.

You can choose to automatically add the structured communication to every invoice you create, and you can either add it as a random number or base it on the invoice number.

Once the options are set to your preference, click the blue 'Update' button.

The settings have now been successfully updated.

The structured communication on the invoice

Go to the invoice overview and click the red 'Create' button. Enter a new or existing customer and fill in the details.

Want to know how to create an invoice? Check the bottom of this page for more information.

Have you chosen to base the structured communication on the invoice number? You will now see that the invoice number appears in the structured communication (the last 2 digits are the check digits and cannot be customized).

Click 'Generate' when you want to set the structured communication for each invoice manually, rather than having it added automatically.

Prefer your own numbering? Enter a range of numbers randomly and see how the system automatically converts your numbering into the correct format.

Then, finalize the invoice and click the blue 'Create' button.

In the invoice overview, you will see that the structured communication has been correctly generated.

Print the structured communication on the invoice

View a print preview to see the structured communication. Go to 'More Actions' > 'Print Preview'.

By default, the structured communication is placed at the bottom of the invoice.

Do you prefer not to have the bottom line of the structured communication on the invoice? You can adjust this! Place the structured communication at the top of the invoice using the layout editor, and the bottom line will no longer be included. Go to Layout > Choose your template > Actions > Document Data > Activate 'Structured Communication'.

The communication is now printed only at the top of the invoice.

The structured communication via invoice note

Go to Settings > Options > Default Note. Move your cursor or mouse to the bottom right corner to see the text editor icon and click on it.

Then go to `%`, and look for 'structured-message'.

This way, you can include your own message in the invoice note along with the structured communication.


  • Want to bold the structured communication or change its color? You can do that with the text editor as well.

Want to know what you can do with the text editor? Check the bottom of this page for more information.

More info about variables? Check the bottom of this page for more information.

Finally, click 'Update Settings'. You are now ready to create a new invoice.

When creating the invoice, you will notice that your structured communication is now placed in the invoice note.

When you go to the print preview, you will see that the structured communication you defined also appears there.

A fixed structured message per customer

Go to 'Modules' and activate 'Customer Specific Settings'.

Then go to 'Customers' and select the specific customer for whom you want to add the structured communication.

Choose 'Update'.

You will see a new section has been added, and under 'Settings', you can add the structured communication.

Click 'Generate' to have the structured communication added, and the system will automatically create the structured communication for you.

Then click the blue button 'Update Customer'.

When you create a new invoice, you will see that the structured communication is used by default.

Register payments for an invoice with structured message

1. Register Payment Manually

To register a payment, you can quickly locate the invoice using the structured communication. Go to the invoice overview, enter the structured communication in the search bar, and the invoice will be found immediately. Then click on

en registreer de betaling door de velden in te vullen.

Then you can register the payment.

2. Import Bank Transactions via a Coda File

What is a Coda file? Learn more about it at the bottom of this page.

Go to your bank's app or web portal and download the Coda files.

Then, go to the invoice overview > More Actions > Import Bank Transactions, and select the Coda files to upload.

Before uploading the file, make sure that the structured communication option is checked. This should be enabled by default.

Finally, click 'Read Bank Transactions'.

The structured communication will now be read from the Coda file, and the payment will be automatically applied to the invoices.

3. Import Payments via a Connection with Codabox or Ponto

Set up the connection with Codabox or Ponto through 'Connections'.

Then go to the invoice overview and click on 'More Actions' > 'Import Bank Transactions'.

Choose whether to import the bank transactions directly, via file, or automatically, and click 'Fetch Bank Transactions'. Ensure that the structured communication option is checked ✔️ and then click 'Fetch Bank Transactions' again.

Fetch Directly

The data is retrieved directly from the bank, and payments are registered based on the structured communication.

Automatic import

If a connection with CodaBox or Ponto is activated, enable 'Automatically Import Bank Transactions' and check the 'Structured Communication' option. If your settings are correct, confirm by clicking 'Save Changes'.

From now on, payments with structured communication will be automatically imported to match payments to invoices.

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