Do you also want to give your partner, business partner, employee, or accountant access to the platform?

Then log in to the website with your password and email address.

Next, go to your account settings and click on the "Access Management" tab.

From there, you can add new users and assign them different permission levels.

Provide name and email address of the new user.

You can now assign the permissions. If you choose 'full management', the user will have access to the entire platform. If you choose 'assign a limited set of rights', the new user will only have limited access to certain sections, such as viewing invoices and customers.

Click 'Add User'.

You will now see that a new user has been added, but the status is still set to 'waiting for activation'.

The new user will have received an activation email from us.

With a click of the green button, access to the platform can be granted, a new password can be set, and the user can be activated.

The number of users you can add depends on your account package. With a PRO subscription, you can add up to 5 users. With a TEAM subscription, you can add up to 20 users.