Sending or Printing via PDF
From the invoice overview, you can send or print multiple reminders at once as a PDF. Select the invoices for which you want to send a reminder and click on “Reminder.” This will give you the option to send a reminder for all the selected invoices.

When sending via email, you can still adjust the cover letter, but it will be the same for all reminders sent. For invoices in different languages, you can provide a separate cover letter.
The type of document for the reminder can still be adjusted under “Attach” by choosing “Summary Document” to combine invoices for the same customer into a single reminder.
Select “Add Reminder Fee” to automatically include a reminder fee. The amount of the reminder fee is calculated automatically based on the settings, which you can adjust via “Settings” > “Reminders.”
Click on the "Print" tab to print the reminders directly or download them as a ZIP file.