From the platform, you can directly send your invoices and quotes to your clients, making it even easier to forward and track documents.
To send an invoice, quote, or other document via email, you can open the specific document and click on "Send" at the top. Alternatively, from the overview, open the "Actions" menu and select "Send."
A pop-up window will appear where you can select the desired recipient and optionally include a customized subject or accompanying text. You can set default texts in the Settings for these purposes.
From the invoice overview, you can also select multiple invoices and send them all at once to your clients. Each invoice will be sent in a separate email.
After sending, you will see a mention of the sent email and its status in the timeline at the bottom of each invoice.
The status of a sent email can be:
- In transit: The email is on its way and has not yet been delivered.
- Delivered: The email was successfully delivered to the recipient's mailbox.
- Read: The email was opened in the recipient's mailbox, confirming its delivery and viewing.
- Failed: The email could not be delivered. More information may be available by hovering over the status.
- Unknown: It was not possible to determine the status of the email.
Difference between "Delivered" and "Read":
Both statuses confirm that the email was successfully delivered.
- Delivered: This status indicates that the email reached the recipient's mailbox.
- Read: This status goes further than "Delivered". It confirms that the recipient has opened and viewed the email. This is detected when a signal is sent back to us at the moment the recipient opens the email. This signal is typically triggered by a small image (pixel tracker) included in the email. However, many email applications block external images by default. The image is only loaded and the signal returned when the recipient chooses to "Show images" for the email.
Therefore, while "Delivered" confirms successful delivery to the mailbox, "Read" provides certainty that the email was opened and read by the recipient.
To track emails as "Read," the option "Check if the email is opened by the recipient" must be enabled in "Settings > Email settings". This option is not available if you have chosen "Own mailbox (SMTP)" as the sending method.
The status of a sent email is updated immediately and automatically with the latest status. Optionally, you can manually update the status by clicking the "Update Status" button. However, the ability to retrieve the latest status of a sent email is limited over time (approximately 25 days).
Additionally, you also have the following options available:
- Click on
om een nieuw e-mailadres voor jouw klant toe te voegen.
- Click on
om één of meerdere bijlages toe te voegen. Je kan tot 10 bijlages toevoegen waarbij een bijlage maximaal 5MB groot kan zijn en de totaalgrootte van alle bijlages niet groter zijn dan 25 MB. Om grotere bijlages te versturen raden we aan om jouw bijlages afzonderlijk te versturen langs de website
- Click on
om jouw factuur te versturen als PDF-bestand, UBL-bestand of PDF+UBL-bestand. Standaard wordt een factuur als PDF-bestand verstuurd.
- Click on
om een andere e-mail tekst te selecteren. E-mail teksten zijn vooraf ingestelde teksten die je via de Instellingen kan aanpassen. Zie E-mail teksten voor een overzicht van de standaard e-mail teksten en vertalingen naar Frans en Engels.