Once the mandates for the customers have been added, a direct debit order can be created. Through the direct debit order, you can download a direct debit file to upload to your bank or payment provider.

First, create the invoices for which the payment should be made. The direct debit file will request the outstanding amount of each invoice. Only customers for whom the SEPA mandate has been activated will be included in the direct debit file.

Note: Before the direct debit is executed, you must inform your customer that the payment will be made. This can be done, for example, by delivering the invoice to the customer with a note that the payment will be made via direct debit.

Go to the invoice overview and click on "More actions" > "Direct debit orders" to start the direct debit order.

Standaard worden enkel openstaande facturen opgenomen die reeds werden verzonden of afgedrukt. Pas de filter aan om een andere selectie te krijgen.

An invoice will by default only be included once in a direct debit file. If you still wish to include invoices again, you can check Include invoices that have already been included in a previous direct debit order.

For the found invoices, you can initiate a direct debit order. First, specify a collection date that is at least a few days in the future. The collection date is the date on which the bank will execute the payment from your customer.

Click on "Create direct debit order" to generate a direct debit file that includes the invoices.

Once the direct debit order has been executed, you can download the XML file and submit it to your bank. 

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